Wednesday, November 23, 2011

You got a dream of a degree and a shirt that smells like me...

...Yea we both got dreams we could chase alone or we could make our own! (one of my favorite lines from that song, had to finish it)
Hello all.
Pinterest is not working and I don't have one clue why, but I'm about to call those people and demand to know because I'm going through withdrawals! It's bad.bad.bad. How am I supposed to plan my wedding, design my future home, or laugh at funny sayings if it's not working?!

On a brighter note, it's Thanksgiving tomorrow! Which means food and lots of it! My mimi's isn't until Saturday, so we only have one tomorrow. However my bro decided to skip out on all the Thanksgivings this year to go to his hunting camp and I have never missed one that I recall, so I am using that excuse to miss the one we have tomorrow. I am missing it to go to someone else's Thanksgiving, and that someone would be Jameson. We decided on this like a few hours ago ha. I am actually looking forward to it, I don't think I have ever been to another family's Thanksgiving before. So off to Scottsboro tomorrow! Should be a good day. When I get home I'll probably go chill with my Mimi and discuss our plan for Black Friday :) I'm wanting to go camp out at Belk to get a free gift card and then head out to Huntsville. I plan on getting clothes...lots and lots of clothes.

Kendra told me one day this week that she thinks I am the most boring person she knows and she was serious saying this. It's probably true. I have spent my entire break so far sleeping, watching tv, reading, and looking on pinterest. I have loved every minute of it. She has also woken me up every day this week. Monday she wanted me to come over, I didn't. Tuesday she wanted me to come over which I did because she said we were having a movie day. Our "movie day" consisted of her forcing me to watch Breaking Dawn, then Kayla and I watching A Walk to Remember while Kendra talked to Seth, and then Kayla and Kendra going to hang out with their bfs while I went back home. Today she woke me up demanding I put on a skirt and come to Ichiban, which I did. They're my best friends :)

I am currently on the 7th Sookie Stackhouse book which obviously means I am in love with Quinn. I have also been watching Gone with the Wind for the past several hours because it's been on all day and I just can't bear to change the channel. I wish that I could be more of a Scarlett, but I'm afraid I'm a Melly through and through. Except in the relationship aspect...there I'm a Scarlett. Although if I had a Rhett Butler after me there is no way I'd want an Ashley Wilkes, no ma'am.

Okay... I have tried numerous times to get an awesome background for my blog, but I just can't figure it out! If someone would like to share their expertise on this I would appreciate it. 

Alright enough of my boring life! So sorry! 
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, gets some awesome deals on Black Friday, and has fun watching 'the game' :)

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