Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm a blogger.

I think blogs might have been created just for me. There are just so many things that I like to talk about that not everyone wants to listen to. So this is perfect! Dear Kendra, thank you.
My life really isn't that interesting, interesting things do happen occasionally, but not often.
Today just might have been the best Valentine's Day I've ever had. I woke up this morning without having to hit the snooze button 72 times, which is a first in weeks! I wore my very cute Valentine shirt that Chelsea made me and a hot pink hairbow. I aide in the office in the mornings at school and I gave everyone who came in Hello Kitty Valentine stickers, and passed out Hello Kitty Valentine cards to people I especially like ;) In English I was given a poem about some hawk and have to write and essay on the meaning... oh yay just what I wanted to do at 11:00 tonight when I've put it off til the very last minute. I also applied to Gadsden State, don't really  know why because I will probably never go there (mom says Gadsden is scary and I'm never to go to college there), but hey if they give me 2 million dollars in scholarship and Snead only gives me 1 million, off to Gadsden I shall go! Oh, and a miracle happened today. My mom called and got me out of my very extremely hard AP Calculus class that I don't even have to take! A load has been lifted off of me. I wanted to do those ballerina-leap things down the hallways. My highlight of the day, however, is when I went to the 3rd grade class that I peer mentor for. I was so excited because I brought them all Valentines and candy and cute little stuff, and they were so happy. Some of them were even giving ME Valentines and they brought me stuff and were hugging me. I almost cried. Days like these are when I'm glad I've decided to go into education.
Quick story: One miserable, cold day I was late for school and threw on my clothes and ran out the door. I got to school and cried nearly all morning because they were not going to let me drop my math class (even though I have enough credits to graduate now!). Well I got all the way to 4th period when I see that I have a text message from my sweet little friend Kayla Long that read something along the lines of "I'm sorry you're upset and whatever is wrong I promise it's going to be okay. But you have on a brown boot and a black one." Oh yea. She was telling the truth. I had went for four hours without anyone telling me that I had on two different color shoes (and this is the girl who was voted Best Dressed!). It was already such a horrible day that was half over, so I wasn't going home to change. I go into Carla Long's 3rd grade class so I can vent to her, and as I'm walking out of the room a little girl says " you know you have on a brown shoe and a black one?" And I sighed and replied yes, yes I do. But the best thing happened after that when another little girl said "Well I think it looks COOL!" It made my horrible day a whole lot better.
Back to my day. I then go to Chemistry  and passed out the remainders of my candy, Valentines, and stickers. I think the Seniors were more excited than my third graders. And then I got to make Valentine Cards in Chemisty and Spanish!! I love when teachers let us have our Kindergarten moments. I shall take pictures of them and add. Now I am home and am ready to go to Los Arcos tonight with The Boyfriend and give him his present. I've never had a real dating boyfriend on Valentine's Day before and I have to admit I'm pretty excited. I'll update on how it goes and let you know if I'm up for doing it again next year :)
Now I must go play Just Dance 2 on wii.

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