Wednesday, November 23, 2011

You got a dream of a degree and a shirt that smells like me...

...Yea we both got dreams we could chase alone or we could make our own! (one of my favorite lines from that song, had to finish it)
Hello all.
Pinterest is not working and I don't have one clue why, but I'm about to call those people and demand to know because I'm going through withdrawals! It's bad.bad.bad. How am I supposed to plan my wedding, design my future home, or laugh at funny sayings if it's not working?!

On a brighter note, it's Thanksgiving tomorrow! Which means food and lots of it! My mimi's isn't until Saturday, so we only have one tomorrow. However my bro decided to skip out on all the Thanksgivings this year to go to his hunting camp and I have never missed one that I recall, so I am using that excuse to miss the one we have tomorrow. I am missing it to go to someone else's Thanksgiving, and that someone would be Jameson. We decided on this like a few hours ago ha. I am actually looking forward to it, I don't think I have ever been to another family's Thanksgiving before. So off to Scottsboro tomorrow! Should be a good day. When I get home I'll probably go chill with my Mimi and discuss our plan for Black Friday :) I'm wanting to go camp out at Belk to get a free gift card and then head out to Huntsville. I plan on getting clothes...lots and lots of clothes.

Kendra told me one day this week that she thinks I am the most boring person she knows and she was serious saying this. It's probably true. I have spent my entire break so far sleeping, watching tv, reading, and looking on pinterest. I have loved every minute of it. She has also woken me up every day this week. Monday she wanted me to come over, I didn't. Tuesday she wanted me to come over which I did because she said we were having a movie day. Our "movie day" consisted of her forcing me to watch Breaking Dawn, then Kayla and I watching A Walk to Remember while Kendra talked to Seth, and then Kayla and Kendra going to hang out with their bfs while I went back home. Today she woke me up demanding I put on a skirt and come to Ichiban, which I did. They're my best friends :)

I am currently on the 7th Sookie Stackhouse book which obviously means I am in love with Quinn. I have also been watching Gone with the Wind for the past several hours because it's been on all day and I just can't bear to change the channel. I wish that I could be more of a Scarlett, but I'm afraid I'm a Melly through and through. Except in the relationship aspect...there I'm a Scarlett. Although if I had a Rhett Butler after me there is no way I'd want an Ashley Wilkes, no ma'am.

Okay... I have tried numerous times to get an awesome background for my blog, but I just can't figure it out! If someone would like to share their expertise on this I would appreciate it. 

Alright enough of my boring life! So sorry! 
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, gets some awesome deals on Black Friday, and has fun watching 'the game' :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Someday I'll be living in a big ol' city....

I'm on Thanksgiving break until next Monday, it's a wonderful feeling. I plan on doing pretty much absolutely nothing and I will love every minute of it. I have like one Thanksgiving possibly two and one of them is right next door at Mimi's which is no big deal. I could go down there in my pajamas and no one would care. Friday is dun dun dun Black Friday which means shopping!! I was telling my mom that I have no winter clothes and it's depressing because I've been wearing the same stuff to school over and over and she was like "well me and mimi will hook you up next Friday" and I almost started crying when she said that... I'm pathetic. I love my mom. I don't know what I'll do when I get married and won't have her around all the time. She told me though that if I live next door to her that she will come over in the mornings and iron everybody's clothes... which is tempting because I know she is serious.

Thursday I went with Kendra, Seth, and Kayla to Bridgestreet. Of course we were late and missed the lighting of the Christmas Tree. Kayla and I went and did our own thing. Which involved us going to eat sushi and running around in the freezing weather shopping our little hearts out. We have a good thing going for us when we shop, we don't hover over each other and stand and talk all the time we actually shop. By the end of the night we had our arms loaded up and I looked at her and said "Kendra won't have one bag" and then we laughed because we knew she wouldn't. Kendra doesn't enjoy clothes and accessories as much as Kayla and I. If I ever want something a little out there or different I know Kayla will back me up. The other day I told her I wanted a blazer and she told me she has already been searching for the perfect one. We share everything and it's great. Kendra did not have one bag. She and Seth had been in Barnes and Noble the entire time because they were cold. I drove home with Kayla up front with me and we laughed over everything. Fun night. I felt accomplished, I got a cheetah scarf I'd been wanting, a necklace for 75% off, a watch regular $30 something for $12, a sweater for cheap, and new perfume :)
Thursday night was also the night our Country Bumpkins were number 1 on TruTV's Top 20 Most Shocking. Yea, def interesting.

Friday I met Jameson in Scottsboro and he took me to see Christmas lights at Rock City. Super fun. I got coffee from Starbucks before we went in and it was so pretty and we had the best time. I also wore the scarf, necklace, and sweater I had bought the night before. Possibly one of the best Fridays I've had in a while...

Random pics from my life.
Kendra and I at Haley and Chad's wedding.

Jameson and I. Sorry for my lack of photography skills.

My little bro Blake and his gf. We have to find out he even has a gf from fb. This is also her pic hope she doesn't mind that I stole it =/

My best friend since 1st grade, Jade. We were at a friend's wedding.

Friday, November 11, 2011

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming...

Haven't posted in a quite a few days.
I'm sorry my life just isn't that interesting folks.
I get up, go to school (where I wish I would have gotten up earlier and at least attempted to look halfway decent), go to church, go to Kay and Ken's, and I sleep... a lot.
Went to yet another wedding last weekend and going to another tomorrow. Erik and Kiley's wedding was pretty much the vision I've had in my brain since I don't know... forever. So now I've got to come up with a completely different idea. I really would like to get married someday...but to who?! I'm feeling a good bit of pressure here lately because it seems like everyone I know and that are in my age group are getting married and I'm like is it normal to feel this much pressure? I'm only 18!! Oh well I'm happy right now, I guess I could be happier, but I'm def not complaining! For now I'll just continue to be the chaperone and bridesmaid :)

I've been applying for jobs in pharmacies and I'm really hoping that one will come through for me soon! I'm trying to grow up and take some responsibility. Plus I would like the extra cash... to support my shopping problem. Even though I never go shopping anymore, and it probably shows because I wear the same things every week.

Tonight I went with Chase and Kayla. It's so weird because people probably think we are sister-wives or something. I almost want Chase to tell the waitress we want a table for 4 just so she will think I have a date coming to meet us or my date just went to the bathroom or whatever. It's kind of embarrassing. Like tonight before we went home we had to go to Wal-Mart and for some reason I'm carrying around some of Chase's items such as his soap and deodorant and then we are all walking around together...weird. I try to make the most of these situations though. We went to Bridgestreet and while they went and looked at the Christmas tree and went to their stores, I stayed in Barnes and Noble :) I bought the new addition to The Beautiful Creatures series, The Sookie Stackhouse companion, and 10 Things I Hate About You (movie). Spent wayyyyy too much money on those 3 items and almost want to tell mom she can just put them up and give them to me for Christmas. I might do that actually...
Overall a fun night with good friends.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Daisy who?
hahahahaha I don't know why I think that is so funny. I've already texted it to Kendra and Natalie.

Has anyone listened to the new Taylor Swift song If This Were a Movie? It's so sad. It's like "but if this was a movie you'd be here by now". I really admire Taylor because I hear that she writes most of her songs and even if some of them aren't totally 'catchy', when I hear the lyrics I'm just she says what my brain is thinking and I'm always like I can relate with that! I mean but so can like 98% of girls in the world but you know...still. I'm also really liking T-Pain and Lily Allen's 5 o'clock in the Morning...but whatever lol. Okay and while I'm on a little music kick here let me go ahead and say I've been wanting a song that's all "I'm a girl! And I'm happy! And NO this is not a love song" and this song doesn't exactly say anything like that but it gets me pumped ha, Kelly Clarkson's What Doesn't Kill You. I might even go buy her new cd because I like it so much.

Alrighty I'm gonna throw ya 2 random pics for the night.

Plays With Squirrels aka Eric
Okay so a while back I did an entire blog on Boy Meets World and in it there was a quote from the episode where it is in the future and they are all at a reunion and Eric comes in as this mountain/philosopher man and says that his name is now Plays with Squirrels and that he married a moose and he found the meaning of life: Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself. Look very closely in this picture and you will see him. When I was being a sister-wife with Kayla and Chase tonight I saw this man at Wal-Mart and took a picture very sneaky-like. So there ya go, I know I just brightened your day :)

Mags and myself
Look what Josh brought to math Wednesday?
Yep, you guessed it. His baby.
A very good friend of mine that I went to school with forever and now go to college with because Josh will follow me wherever I go in life, recently had a baby. Maggie. Wednesday he comes into math with a big pink carseat with a pink baby on the inside. For some reason I asked to hold her. Very unlike me. She was a doll. I wish she was looking at the camera, because she smiled the entire time. Someone came up while I was holding her and was like "Awuh whose baby?" and Josh smiles and replies "Hers :)" and I was like umm no deffffffff not. Later that day I had another not Hilary moment and offered to babysit her sometime. Why would I do that?! After I said it I was like okay what in the world am I going to do if they really ask me to babysit? I don't know how to take care of a baby! Oh well cross that bridge if I come to it. 
Last weekend somehow I got stuck by myself chasing Eli at the wedding and when I would try to pick him up to deliver back to Shannon and LeAnne (or Kayla or Seth or whoever happened to be around), he would do this thing where he would go all limp and lay on the ground and scream. I was about to have an anxiety attack or something. Luckily LeAnne came to my rescue.

Wow. Long blog. It's also very late, I should probably try and go to sleep.
I love you all! Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

And I set fire to the rain

It's been a good week. 
Nothing especially interesting happened, but you know good anyway.
This morning I woke myself up at 6 like normal and hit snooze about a gazillion times, but this morning what got me out of bed was my dad calling to make sure that my bro had gotten up and went to school, so I get up and check and tell him that yes Blake is gone and all the time I'm thinking how late is it?? Well it is 7:01... I have a 7:45 class today. I literally pull my hair out of it's sleep bun thing spray some hairspray, no idea why other than it made me feel a little better about not fixing it, brushed my teeth washed my face etc, and pulled on skirt, boots, and white tshirt. I then realize my white tshirt is completely see-through so I have to wear the jacket that is in the back seat of my car zipped up. I actually ran from my front door to my car and then drove like I had a death wish. As I'm driving I realize I don't have any jewelry on, which didn't help anything. Yea it was a fun morning. In between my history and psychology class I have a big time gap so I came home and got myself ready so I felt better. When I get back to school it starts raining before I get out of my car, but I'm like it's cool I've got an umbrella. I open my door, open umbrella, get out and the wind blows and my umbrella does that thing where it completely blows inside no more umbrella. I just had to run to my next two classes, which is always exciting. 
Monday was Halloween, I did nothing interesting while my little brother had a date. Not cool. 
Tuesday I barely remember, but I did go to choir practice with Kendra and then spent the night with them and me and Ken probably looked on pinterest for over an hour. We're obsessed. 
Wednesday (yesterday) was fine. Me, Kendra, Chelsea, and Rachael all decided to go to Oak Grove along with Blake, Kesha, and Derrick. I don't hardly ever visit, but I love going out there. The Lord blessed all of us which I was so thankful for. 

I love Thursdays since they are my Fridays :) 
I really can't wait for tomorrow though, because it's our singing yayy. I normally don't get very excited about ours for some reason, but this year I'm just really looking forward to it. Probably because it is The Long Family's last one, which is really sad. I can remember going to Long Family singings for as long as I have been going to church. My mom got preached to for the first time by going to a singing in Atlanta, and I'm pretty sure it was The Long's that were singing because I think she was with them. I never thought they would stop singing I guess. Oh well... 
Last year at our singing I wore a cute pencil skirt and black hose and pumps and thought my outfit was really looking good. During the first half I happened to notice the back of my leg and saw there was a hole in the back of my knee that ripped all the way down to my foot...yea. I left during intermission. Oh! and it was so crowded I was scared and couldn't get my car backed out so I had to get Bro Matt to come do it for me. Surely this year will be better! 

I'm sorry I ramble. I think that's enough for tonight. I hope everyone has a fab weekend! :)